
2020/09/09 Spark 共 18572 字,约 54 分钟




public enum MemoryMode {




  • lock: 对内存池提供线程安全保证的锁对象。
  • _poolSize: 内存池大小,Byte


  • poolSize(): 返回_poolSize的值
  • memoryUsed(): 返回已使用的内存大小。由MemoryPool的子类实现
  • memoryFree(): 返回内存池的空闲空间大小。_poolSize - memoryUsed
  • incrementPoolSize(): 给内存池拓展delta大小的空间
  • decrementPoolSize(): 缩小内存池delta大小的空间




  • memoryMode: MemoryMode
  • poolName: 如果是堆内内存则名称为on-heap storage,如果是堆外内存则名称是off-heap storage
  • _memoryUsed: 已使用的内存大小
  • _memoryStore: MemoryStore


  • memoryUsed: 直接返回_memoryUsed

  • releaseAllMemory(): 将_memoryUsed赋值为0

  • acquireMemory(): 获得内存去缓存给定的block,必要时会腾出其他block占用的内存

    • 计算出需要腾出的内存大小numBytesToFree
    • 如果空闲内存不足,调用MemoryStore.evictBlocksToFreeSpace()驱逐内存中的block以释放内存
    • 更新已使用内存量,返回是否成功获得内存空间
    def acquireMemory(blockId: BlockId, numBytes: Long): Boolean = lock.synchronized {
      val numBytesToFree = math.max(0, numBytes - memoryFree)
      acquireMemory(blockId, numBytes, numBytesToFree)
    def acquireMemory(
      blockId: BlockId,
      numBytesToAcquire: Long,
      numBytesToFree: Long): Boolean = lock.synchronized {
      assert(numBytesToAcquire >= 0)
      assert(numBytesToFree >= 0)
      assert(memoryUsed <= poolSize)
      if (numBytesToFree > 0) {
        memoryStore.evictBlocksToFreeSpace(Some(blockId), numBytesToFree, memoryMode)
      // NOTE: If the memory store evicts blocks, then those evictions will synchronously call
      // back into this StorageMemoryPool in order to free memory. Therefore, these variables
      // should have been updated.
      val enoughMemory = numBytesToAcquire <= memoryFree
      if (enoughMemory) {
        _memoryUsed += numBytesToAcquire
  • releaseMemory(): 释放指定大小的内存,实际上只是更改_memoryUsed的值

    def releaseMemory(size: Long): Unit = lock.synchronized {
      if (size > _memoryUsed) {
        logWarning(s"Attempted to release $size bytes of storage " +
                   s"memory when we only have ${_memoryUsed} bytes")
        _memoryUsed = 0
      } else {
        _memoryUsed -= size
  • freeSpaceToShrinkPool(): 释放spaceToFree大小的空间以缩小内存池大小,只会释放空间并不会缩小内存池大小

    • 计算spaceFreedByReleasingUnusedMemory,通过释放未使用内存从而减小内存池大小的最大可释放空间
    • 计算remainingSpaceToFree ,还需要释放已使用内存以补齐spaceToFree的大小
    • 如果remainingSpaceToFree 大于0则需要释放已使用内存,调用MemoryStore.evictBlocksToFreeSpace()释放内存
    • 如果remainingSpaceToFree 小于0则不需要释放已使用内存
    • 返回从该内存池中移除的内存大小
    def freeSpaceToShrinkPool(spaceToFree: Long): Long = lock.synchronized {
      val spaceFreedByReleasingUnusedMemory = math.min(spaceToFree, memoryFree)
      val remainingSpaceToFree = spaceToFree - spaceFreedByReleasingUnusedMemory
      if (remainingSpaceToFree > 0) {
        // If reclaiming free memory did not adequately shrink the pool, begin evicting blocks:
        val spaceFreedByEviction =
        memoryStore.evictBlocksToFreeSpace(None, remainingSpaceToFree, memoryMode)
        // When a block is released, BlockManager.dropFromMemory() calls releaseMemory(), so we do
        // not need to decrement _memoryUsed here. However, we do need to decrement the pool size.
        spaceFreedByReleasingUnusedMemory + spaceFreedByEviction
      } else {



  • numCores: CPU核心数
  • onHeapStorageMemory: 用于存储的堆内内存大小
  • onHeapExecutionMemory: 用于计算的堆内内存大小
  • onHeapStorageMemoryPool, offHeapStorageMemoryPool, onHeapExecutionMemoryPool, offHeapExecutionMemoryPool: 用于计算和存储的堆内堆外内存池
  • maxOffHeapMemory: 堆外内存的最大值。通过spark.memory.offHeap.size指定
  • offHeapStorageMemory: 用于储存的堆外内存大小。最大堆外内存的最大值的一部分,默认为0.5,通过spark.memory.storageFraction指定


  • maxOnHeapStorageMemory(): 最大堆内存储内存,由子类实现
  • maxOffHeapStorageMemory(): 最大堆外存储内存,由子类实现
  • acquireStorageMemory(): 为存储block,从堆内或堆外内存获取指定大小的内存,由子类实现
  • acquireUnrollMemory(): 为展开block,从堆内或堆外内存获取指定大小的内存,由子类实现
  • setMemoryStore(): 给堆内堆外内存池设置MemoryStore


 * Release numBytes of execution memory belonging to the given task.
def releaseExecutionMemory(
  numBytes: Long,
  taskAttemptId: Long,
  memoryMode: MemoryMode): Unit = synchronized {
  memoryMode match {
    case MemoryMode.ON_HEAP => onHeapExecutionMemoryPool.releaseMemory(numBytes, taskAttemptId)
    case MemoryMode.OFF_HEAP => offHeapExecutionMemoryPool.releaseMemory(numBytes, taskAttemptId)

 * Release all memory for the given task and mark it as inactive (e.g. when a task ends).
 * @return the number of bytes freed.
private[memory] def releaseAllExecutionMemoryForTask(taskAttemptId: Long): Long = synchronized {
  onHeapExecutionMemoryPool.releaseAllMemoryForTask(taskAttemptId) +

 * Release N bytes of storage memory.
def releaseStorageMemory(numBytes: Long, memoryMode: MemoryMode): Unit = synchronized {
  memoryMode match {
    case MemoryMode.ON_HEAP => onHeapStorageMemoryPool.releaseMemory(numBytes)
    case MemoryMode.OFF_HEAP => offHeapStorageMemoryPool.releaseMemory(numBytes)

 * Release all storage memory acquired.
final def releaseAllStorageMemory(): Unit = synchronized {

 * Release N bytes of unroll memory.
final def releaseUnrollMemory(numBytes: Long, memoryMode: MemoryMode): Unit = synchronized {
  releaseStorageMemory(numBytes, memoryMode)

 * Execution memory currently in use, in bytes.
final def executionMemoryUsed: Long = synchronized {
  onHeapExecutionMemoryPool.memoryUsed + offHeapExecutionMemoryPool.memoryUsed

 * Storage memory currently in use, in bytes.
final def storageMemoryUsed: Long = synchronized {
  onHeapStorageMemoryPool.memoryUsed + offHeapStorageMemoryPool.memoryUsed

 * Returns the execution memory consumption, in bytes, for the given task.
private[memory] def getExecutionMemoryUsageForTask(taskAttemptId: Long): Long = synchronized {
  onHeapExecutionMemoryPool.getMemoryUsageForTask(taskAttemptId) +



维护在计算内存和存储内存之间的软边界,可以相互借用内存。计算和存储的占比由spark.memory.fraction 配置,默认是0.6,即偏向于存储内存池。其中存储内存池的堆内内存默认占比是由 spark.memory.storageFraction 参数决定,默认是 0.5 ,即存储内存池的堆内内存默认占比为0.3。



  • maxHeapMemory: 最大堆内内存。大小为系统可用内存与spark.memory.fraction属性值(默认为0.6)的乘积


  • maxOnHeapStorageMemory(): 最大堆内储存内存。最大堆内内存减去堆内计算内存已使用的内存量

    override def maxOnHeapStorageMemory: Long = synchronized {
      maxHeapMemory - onHeapExecutionMemoryPool.memoryUsed
  • maxOffHeapStorageMemory(): 最大堆外存储内存。最大堆外内存减去堆外计算内存已使用的内存量

    override def maxOffHeapStorageMemory: Long = synchronized {
      maxOffHeapMemory - offHeapExecutionMemoryPool.memoryUsed
  • acquireStorageMemory(): 为存储block从存储内存池中获取所需大小的内存

    • 根据内存模式获取对应的计算内存池,存储内存池和最大存储内存大小
    • 如果所需内存大于存储内存池中的空闲内存大小,则减少执行内存池的大小以增加存储内存池的大小,向执行内存池借空闲内存
    • 获取所需的内存大小
    override def acquireStorageMemory(
      blockId: BlockId,
      numBytes: Long,
      memoryMode: MemoryMode): Boolean = synchronized {
      assert(numBytes >= 0)
      val (executionPool, storagePool, maxMemory) = memoryMode match {
        case MemoryMode.ON_HEAP => (
        case MemoryMode.OFF_HEAP => (
      if (numBytes > maxMemory) {
        // Fail fast if the block simply won't fit
        logInfo(s"Will not store $blockId as the required space ($numBytes bytes) exceeds our " +
                s"memory limit ($maxMemory bytes)")
        return false
      if (numBytes > storagePool.memoryFree) {
        // There is not enough free memory in the storage pool, so try to borrow free memory from
        // the execution pool.
        val memoryBorrowedFromExecution = Math.min(executionPool.memoryFree,
                                                   numBytes - storagePool.memoryFree)
      storagePool.acquireMemory(blockId, numBytes)
  • acquireUnrollMemory(): 为展开block从存储内存池获取所需大小内存,其实就是调用了acquireStorageMemory()方法



  • DeserializedMemoryEntry: 未序列化的MemoryEntry,一定是存储在堆内内存上
  • SerializedMemoryEntry: 序列化的MemoryEntry



  • blockInfoManager: BlockInfoManager
  • memoryManager: MemoryManager
  • blockEvictionHandler: block驱逐处理器。用于将block从内存中驱逐出去
  • entries: LinkedHashMap[BlockId, MemoryEntry[_]]存储BlockIdMemoryEntry的映射关系
  • onHeapUnrollMemoryMap,offHeapUnrollMemoryMap: 任务attempt id 和在堆内或堆外用于展开block所占内存大小的映射
  • unrollMemoryThreshold: 用来展开block请求的初始内存大小。由,默认1M


  • maxMemory(): 最大存储内存包含堆内和堆外。memoryManager.maxOnHeapStorageMemory + memoryManager.maxOffHeapStorageMemory
  • memoryUsed(): 已使用存储内存包含堆内和堆外。memoryManager.storageMemoryUsed
  • currentUnrollMemory(): 用于展开block的内存。onHeapUnrollMemoryMap.values.sum + offHeapUnrollMemoryMap.values.sum
  • currentUnrollMemoryForThisTask(): 当前用于展开block所使用的内存。onHeapUnrollMemoryMap.getOrElse(currentTaskAttemptId(), 0L) + offHeapUnrollMemoryMap.getOrElse(currentTaskAttemptId(), 0L)
  • blocksMemoryUsed(): 用于存储block的大小。memoryUsed - currentUnrollMemory


  • getSize(): 通过entries获得对应block的大小

  • evictBlocksToFreeSpace(): 驱逐block,释放已使用的存储空间来存储新的block

    • freeMemory表示已经释放的内存,space表示需要释放的内存
    • 不断迭代,将entries中的符合条件的block(内存模式一样并且不能和当前block属于同一RDD或者不是RDD)添加进selectedBlocks并获得其写锁,直到满足释放内存的要求
    • 释放selectedBlocks中的block,调用BlockManager.dropFromMemory()迁移到其他存储或者直接清除
    • 如果即使驱逐符合条件block也无法满足内存要求,则释放写锁。如果有block释放失败,则释放最后一个成功释放block之后block的写锁
    private[spark] def evictBlocksToFreeSpace(
      blockId: Option[BlockId],
      space: Long,
      memoryMode: MemoryMode): Long = {
      assert(space > 0)
      memoryManager.synchronized {
        var freedMemory = 0L
        val rddToAdd = blockId.flatMap(getRddId)
        val selectedBlocks = new ArrayBuffer[BlockId]
        def blockIsEvictable(blockId: BlockId, entry: MemoryEntry[_]): Boolean = {
          entry.memoryMode == memoryMode && (rddToAdd.isEmpty || rddToAdd != getRddId(blockId))
        // This is synchronized to ensure that the set of entries is not changed
        // (because of getValue or getBytes) while traversing the iterator, as that
        // can lead to exceptions.
        entries.synchronized {
          val iterator = entries.entrySet().iterator()
          while (freedMemory < space && iterator.hasNext) {
            val pair =
            val blockId = pair.getKey
            val entry = pair.getValue
            if (blockIsEvictable(blockId, entry)) {
              // We don't want to evict blocks which are currently being read, so we need to obtain
              // an exclusive write lock on blocks which are candidates for eviction. We perform a
              // non-blocking "tryLock" here in order to ignore blocks which are locked for reading:
              if (blockInfoManager.lockForWriting(blockId, blocking = false).isDefined) {
                selectedBlocks += blockId
                freedMemory += pair.getValue.size
        def dropBlock[T](blockId: BlockId, entry: MemoryEntry[T]): Unit = {
          val data = entry match {
            case DeserializedMemoryEntry(values, _, _) => Left(values)
            case SerializedMemoryEntry(buffer, _, _) => Right(buffer)
          val newEffectiveStorageLevel =
          blockEvictionHandler.dropFromMemory(blockId, () => data)(entry.classTag)
          if (newEffectiveStorageLevel.isValid) {
            // The block is still present in at least one store, so release the lock
            // but don't delete the block info
          } else {
            // The block isn't present in any store, so delete the block info so that the
            // block can be stored again
        if (freedMemory >= space) {
          var lastSuccessfulBlock = -1
          try {
            logInfo(s"${selectedBlocks.size} blocks selected for dropping " +
                    s"(${Utils.bytesToString(freedMemory)} bytes)")
            (0 until selectedBlocks.size).foreach { idx =>
              val blockId = selectedBlocks(idx)
              val entry = entries.synchronized {
              // This should never be null as only one task should be dropping
              // blocks and removing entries. However the check is still here for
              // future safety.
              if (entry != null) {
                dropBlock(blockId, entry)
              lastSuccessfulBlock = idx
            logInfo(s"After dropping ${selectedBlocks.size} blocks, " +
                    s"free memory is ${Utils.bytesToString(maxMemory - blocksMemoryUsed)}")
          } finally {
            // like BlockManager.doPut, we use a finally rather than a catch to avoid having to deal
            // with InterruptedException
            if (lastSuccessfulBlock != selectedBlocks.size - 1) {
              // the blocks we didn't process successfully are still locked, so we have to unlock them
              (lastSuccessfulBlock + 1 until selectedBlocks.size).foreach { idx =>
                val blockId = selectedBlocks(idx)
        } else {
          blockId.foreach { id =>
            logInfo(s"Will not store $id")
          selectedBlocks.foreach { id =>
  • putBytes(): 将序列化的block写入内存中

    • 判断BlockId是否在entries中,即这个BlockId已经存在
    • 调用memoryManager.acquireStorageMemory(),为存储block从堆外或堆内存储内存获取所需大小
    • 如果在借完执行内存的空闲内存后,自身的空闲内存仍不足,会调用自身的evictBlocksToFreeSpace()方法释放已使用内存
    • 封装为SerializedMemoryEntry并放入entries记录映射关系
    def contains(blockId: BlockId): Boolean = {
      entries.synchronized { entries.containsKey(blockId) }
    def putBytes[T: ClassTag](
      blockId: BlockId,
      size: Long,
      memoryMode: MemoryMode,
      _bytes: () => ChunkedByteBuffer): Boolean = {
      require(!contains(blockId), s"Block $blockId is already present in the MemoryStore")
      if (memoryManager.acquireStorageMemory(blockId, size, memoryMode)) {
        // We acquired enough memory for the block, so go ahead and put it
        val bytes = _bytes()
        assert(bytes.size == size)
        val entry = new SerializedMemoryEntry[T](bytes, memoryMode, implicitly[ClassTag[T]])
        entries.synchronized {
          entries.put(blockId, entry)
        logInfo("Block %s stored as bytes in memory (estimated size %s, free %s)".format(
          blockId, Utils.bytesToString(size), Utils.bytesToString(maxMemory - blocksMemoryUsed)))
      } else {
  • reserveUnrollMemoryForThisTask(): 为展开block申请内存

    • 调用memoryManager.acquireUnrollMemory(),为展开block从堆外或堆内存储内存获取所需大小,与putBytes()方法中的这一步操作类似
    • 更新unrollMemoryMap
    def reserveUnrollMemoryForThisTask(
      blockId: BlockId,
      memory: Long,
      memoryMode: MemoryMode): Boolean = {
      memoryManager.synchronized {
        val success = memoryManager.acquireUnrollMemory(blockId, memory, memoryMode)
        if (success) {
          val taskAttemptId = currentTaskAttemptId()
          val unrollMemoryMap = memoryMode match {
            case MemoryMode.ON_HEAP => onHeapUnrollMemoryMap
            case MemoryMode.OFF_HEAP => offHeapUnrollMemoryMap
          unrollMemoryMap(taskAttemptId) = unrollMemoryMap.getOrElse(taskAttemptId, 0L) + memory
  • releaseUnrollMemoryForThisTask(): 释放在当前任务中用于展开block使用的堆内或堆外内存

    def releaseUnrollMemoryForThisTask(memoryMode: MemoryMode, memory: Long = Long.MaxValue): Unit = {
      val taskAttemptId = currentTaskAttemptId()
      memoryManager.synchronized {
        val unrollMemoryMap = memoryMode match {
          case MemoryMode.ON_HEAP => onHeapUnrollMemoryMap
          case MemoryMode.OFF_HEAP => offHeapUnrollMemoryMap
        if (unrollMemoryMap.contains(taskAttemptId)) {
          val memoryToRelease = math.min(memory, unrollMemoryMap(taskAttemptId))
          if (memoryToRelease > 0) {
            unrollMemoryMap(taskAttemptId) -= memoryToRelease
            memoryManager.releaseUnrollMemory(memoryToRelease, memoryMode)
          if (unrollMemoryMap(taskAttemptId) == 0) {
  • putIterator(): 因为Iterator可能很大无法物化并放入内存中避免发生OOM。逐步展开Iterator,并定期检查是否有足够的可用内存ValueHolder用于不断添加数据并将已添加的数据封装为MemoryEntry

    • 调用reserveUnrollMemoryForThisTask()指定保留用来展开block的初始内存
    • 每展开memoryCheckPeriod个元素后就要检查一下是否大于memoryThreshold,否则就要调用reserveUnrollMemoryForThisTask()去申请更多的保留内存,内存增长的公式为currentSize * memoryGrowthFactor - memoryThreshold
    • value迭代器中的数据不断追加到ValuesHolder中,直到获取不到多余的内存
    • 获取ValuesHolder中的精确大小,并调整已获取到的内存大小
    • ValuesHolder中的数据封装为MemoryEntry,并且调用releaseUnrollMemoryForThisTask()释放当前任务的展开block内存,调用memoryManager.acquireStorageMemory()获得存储内存,这一步实际上将展开block的内存将转移到存储内存中
    • 如果没有足够内存,返回Left,已使用展开block的内存大小
    private def putIterator[T](
      blockId: BlockId,
      values: Iterator[T],
      classTag: ClassTag[T],
      memoryMode: MemoryMode,
      valuesHolder: ValuesHolder[T]): Either[Long, Long] = {
      require(!contains(blockId), s"Block $blockId is already present in the MemoryStore")
      // Number of elements unrolled so far
      var elementsUnrolled = 0
      // Whether there is still enough memory for us to continue unrolling this block
      var keepUnrolling = true
      // Initial per-task memory to request for unrolling blocks (bytes).
      val initialMemoryThreshold = unrollMemoryThreshold
      // How often to check whether we need to request more memory
      val memoryCheckPeriod = conf.get(UNROLL_MEMORY_CHECK_PERIOD)
      // Memory currently reserved by this task for this particular unrolling operation
      var memoryThreshold = initialMemoryThreshold
      // Memory to request as a multiple of current vector size
      val memoryGrowthFactor = conf.get(UNROLL_MEMORY_GROWTH_FACTOR)
      // Keep track of unroll memory used by this particular block / putIterator() operation
      var unrollMemoryUsedByThisBlock = 0L
      // Request enough memory to begin unrolling
      keepUnrolling =
      reserveUnrollMemoryForThisTask(blockId, initialMemoryThreshold, memoryMode)
      if (!keepUnrolling) {
        logWarning(s"Failed to reserve initial memory threshold of " +
                   s"${Utils.bytesToString(initialMemoryThreshold)} for computing block $blockId in memory.")
      } else {
        unrollMemoryUsedByThisBlock += initialMemoryThreshold
      // Unroll this block safely, checking whether we have exceeded our threshold periodically
      while (values.hasNext && keepUnrolling) {
        if (elementsUnrolled % memoryCheckPeriod == 0) {
          val currentSize = valuesHolder.estimatedSize()
          // If our vector's size has exceeded the threshold, request more memory
          if (currentSize >= memoryThreshold) {
            val amountToRequest = (currentSize * memoryGrowthFactor - memoryThreshold).toLong
            keepUnrolling =
            reserveUnrollMemoryForThisTask(blockId, amountToRequest, memoryMode)
            if (keepUnrolling) {
              unrollMemoryUsedByThisBlock += amountToRequest
            // New threshold is currentSize * memoryGrowthFactor
            memoryThreshold += amountToRequest
        elementsUnrolled += 1
      // Make sure that we have enough memory to store the block. By this point, it is possible that
      // the block's actual memory usage has exceeded the unroll memory by a small amount, so we
      // perform one final call to attempt to allocate additional memory if necessary.
      if (keepUnrolling) {
        val entryBuilder = valuesHolder.getBuilder()
        val size = entryBuilder.preciseSize
        if (size > unrollMemoryUsedByThisBlock) {
          val amountToRequest = size - unrollMemoryUsedByThisBlock
          keepUnrolling = reserveUnrollMemoryForThisTask(blockId, amountToRequest, memoryMode)
          if (keepUnrolling) {
            unrollMemoryUsedByThisBlock += amountToRequest
        if (keepUnrolling) {
          val entry =
          // Synchronize so that transfer is atomic
          memoryManager.synchronized {
            releaseUnrollMemoryForThisTask(memoryMode, unrollMemoryUsedByThisBlock)
            val success = memoryManager.acquireStorageMemory(blockId, entry.size, memoryMode)
            assert(success, "transferring unroll memory to storage memory failed")
          entries.synchronized {
            entries.put(blockId, entry)
          logInfo("Block %s stored as values in memory (estimated size %s, free %s)".format(blockId,
                                                                                            Utils.bytesToString(entry.size), Utils.bytesToString(maxMemory - blocksMemoryUsed)))
        } else {
          // We ran out of space while unrolling the values for this block
          logUnrollFailureMessage(blockId, entryBuilder.preciseSize)
      } else {
        // We ran out of space while unrolling the values for this block
        logUnrollFailureMessage(blockId, valuesHolder.estimatedSize())
  • putIteratorAsValues(), putIteratorAsBytes(): 分别是写入未序列化(堆内内存)和序列化后的数据,内部调用了putIterator()

  • getBytes(), getValues(): 分别从是entries中获取序列化和未序列的MemoryEntry

  • remove(), clear(): 分别是从内存中移除block和清除所有block


  • UnifiedMemoryManager: 在堆内和堆外内存中,计算内存和存储内存中间间隔一条虚线是可以互相借用的

    • 计算内存主要用于 shuffle、join、sort、aggregation 中的缓存

    • 存储内存主要用于缓存 RDD、展开 partition、存放广播变量

    • 计算和存储的占比由spark.memory.fraction 配置,默认是0.6,即偏向于存储内存池。其中存储内存池的堆内内存默认占比是由 spark.memory.storageFraction 参数决定,默认是 0.5 ,即存储内存池的堆内内存默认占比为0.3。

    • 计算内存和存储内存可以相互借用,但是缓存block时可能会因为计算内存池占用了大量的内存池不能释放导致缓存block失败,在这种情况下,新的block会根据StorageLevel做相应处理

  • MemoryStore



  1. Spark内核设计的艺术:架构设计与实现



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